Generic flow before running the API’s
Open the postman application and import the postman collection provided. To import the collection follow the below steps:
Download the postman collection provided
Select the import option in the postman and import the downloaded json file.
Ingestion of Data using CSV
Select the csv_import folder in the postman collection.
Step 1: Open the specified request & add the details
API Endpoint: <domain_name>/ingestion/csv
Step 2: Build the request body with reference to YAML file. The request body for the above api is attached in the below screenshot. Link for yaml:
Step 3: Provide the valid input details for the Parameters showed below
file : Attach the csv file for the importing
ingestion_type : Specify the type of ingestion
ingestion_name : Name of the event
Step 4: Click on the send button for the request and if the request is successful the user should see a response message.
Event Import API
Dimension Import API