Branching strategy

Project-Sunbird / Sunbird-Ed repos adhere to generalized branching strategy.

Naming Convention

  1. Active development will be happening in the latest release-x.y.z branch.
    For example release-3.0.0

  2. Releaseable code will be tagged as Release Candidates with numbers.
    For example release-3.0.0_RC1

  3. In the case of hotfixes, that’ll be tagged as release-x.y.z+1.
    For example release-3.0.1

Pull Requests

Development for any project should be done on the forks. For example, if you’re working on a feature in Sunbird Portal in release-3.0.0, then you should fork the repo, and develop your feature in the specific release version tag, say release-3.0.0

Code Quality

Every repo has CircleCI ( for running test cases ) and SonarCloud ( for code-coverage ) enabled for code quality reports.

Test cases are a must for all new codes.