Actors | Actual users | Actions |
Contributor | Teachers, 3rd party vendors |
Reviewer | Teachers, 3rd party vendors |
Consumers | All the teachers in the state |
Admin | SCERT team |
Use case 1 - Question bank as a separate project which has statewide visibility
In this use case - a common question bank project is required, which is available to all the teachers and it also allows continuous addition of questions.
Open questions:
How will the access to the question paper project made available to all the teachers in the state? (If this exists, SamagraX team is not aware of it, where can I read about it?)
Where will the consumers see it on the web portal of Diksha?
What changes are to be planned for the Diksha Mobile application?
Contributions to the question bank will be an ongoing process, how will we achieve this (current understanding is that, once a project is published on Diksha, the contributions can not be edited)
Use case 2 - All the questions from question papers are added to the question bank
Once the question paper is created, either by a manual trigger or by an automated time-bound mechanism, all the questions are to be added to the question bank project.
Open question:
How will the questions be moved/ copied from one project to another?