As a teacher
I want to know that I'm downloading or attempting to play online-only content
So that I'm aware that it can't be used in offline environments.
The SunbirdEd offline app can be used in both online and offline modes. Many content providers tend to create online-only content (like youtube), which can only be used in the online mode. Users need to be appropriately warned that they are downloading online-only content, and also that they are attempting to play online-only content if they are offline or have low bandwidth.
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN I am on the desktop app
WHEN I attempt to download an individual content or a textbook which has online-only content
THEN I am shown a message that the content I'm trying to download has content that can only be played online.
GIVEN I am on the offline library section of the desktop app
WHEN I view content cards that contain online-only content
THEN I am shown some sort of visual indicator that the content card has online-only content.
GIVEN I am on the offline library section of the desktop app and I am offline
WHEN I attempt to play content that requires an internet connection
THEN I am shown a message that the content cannot be played offline, and that I need to be connected to the internet.