States will be rolling out their training programs. One key aspect is to help them provide targetted information so that they can monitor the progress of their teachers. In this context, the following fields are to be added to the download report:
a) External ID
b) User ID
c) Block name
d) Course completion date
User Story
As a course mentor, when I download the report, I want to be able to see the block information so that I can filter the report by block and share it with the respective block nodal officer.
As a course mentor, when I download the report, I want to be able to see the teacher's state unique ID so that I can identify the teacher and reward those who have completed the course.
As a course mentor for a state with no unique ID, when I download the report, I want to be able to see the teacher's DIKSHA user id so that I use this to uniquely identify the teacher and reward those who have completed the course.
As a course mentor, when I download the report, I want to be able to see the teacher's course completion date.
The scope is to include three new fields in the download extract:
External ID - This is the unique ID which the state provides to the teachers and the teachers use this ID to login to Diksha from the State portal. In the case of AP it would be teachers' APEKX id. If the ID is not available then leave the field blank.
User id - This is the DIKSHA user ID which is generated by DIKSHA and is made available to the user on their profile page. This ID cannot be blank.
Block - This is the user’s block information to be added from user profile data. If the ID is not available for the user leave it blank.
Completion Date - this is the date when the user completed the course.
The sequence of the fields of this CSV are to be in the following format:
a) External ID
b) User ID
b) User Name
c) Email ID
d) Mobile Number
e) Organization Name
f) District Name
g) School Name
h) Block Name
h) Enrollment Date
i) Course Progress
j) Completion Date
If any of these fields do not have a value leave it as blank in the csv file.
Localization Requirements
UI Element | Description | Language(s)/ Locales Required |
None |
Telemetry Requirements
Event Name | Description | Purpose |
Click 'Download File' in the course dashboard page | Mentor can download the report by clicking on 'Download File' button in the course dashboard page | This data will tell us how many users are actually clicking on this button to download the progress report. |
Non-Functional Requirements
Performance / Responsiveness Requirements | Load/Volume Requirements | Security / Privacy Requirements |
| ||
Impact on other Products/Solutions
Product/Solution Impacted | Impact Description |
None |
Impact on Existing Users/Data
User/Data Impacted | Impact Description |
None | |
Key Metrics
Srl. No. | Metric | Purpose of Metric |
1 | download ratio per batch = no. of times the file was downloaded/no. of batches This ratio to be monitored at the level of:
| This metric will provide insights on whether state admins are downloading the report to track the course completion of the users. |