Druid Architecture
Data layers in Sunbird Analytics
Telemetry data models for Druid
Telemetry Event Fields
Dimension in Druid | Field in Telemetry | Description | Data Type |
eid | eid | Event Id | String |
syncts | syncts | Sync Timestamp | Long |
@timestamp | @timestamp | String | |
user_id | actor.id | User Id of the event | String |
user_type | actor.type | Type of the user | String |
channel_id | context.channel | Channel Id | String |
producer_id | context.pdata.id | Producer Id | String |
producer_pid | context.pdata.pid | Producer Process Id | String |
context_env | context.env | Context Environment | String |
session_id | context.sid | Session Id | String |
device_id | context.did | Device Id | String |
context_correlation_data_type | context.cdata.type | Correlation Data Type | String |
context_correlation_data_id | context.cdata.id | Correlation Data Id | Array[String] |
object_id | object.id | Content Id | String |
object_type | object.type | Content Type | String |
object_version | object.ver | Content Version | String |
tags | tags | Tags | Array[String] |
edata_type | edata.type | Event type | String |
edata_sub_type | edata.subtype | Event subtype | String |
edata_mode | edata.mode | START event Mode of start | String |
edata_page_id | edata.pageid | Unique pageid | String |
edata_uri | edata.uri | IMPRESSION event Relative URI of the content | String |
edata_id | edata.id | Event data Id | String |
edata_duration | edata.duration | Duration of the event | String |
edata_index | edata.index | ASSESS event Index of the question within a content | String |
edata_pass | edata.pass | ASSESS event Field to identify pass or fail for assessments | String |
edata_score | edata.score | ASSESS event Assessment score | Double |
edata_result_values | edata.resvalues | ASSESS event Assessment results | Array[Object] |
edata_item_id | edata.item.id | ASSESS event Assessment item id | String |
edata_item_title | edata.item.title | ASSESS event Assessment item title | String |
edata_item_max_score | edata.item.maxscore | ASSESS event Assessment item max score | Double |
edata_target_id | edata.target.id | ASSESS event Assessment item target id | String |
edata_target_type | edata.target.type | ASSESS event Assessment item target type | String |
edata_rating | edata.rating | FEEDBACK evebt Ratings | String |
edata_comments | edata.comments | FEEDBACK event Comments | String |
edata_dir | edata.dir | SHARE event direction | String |
edata_items_id | edata.items.id | SHARE event shared item ids | String |
edata_items_type | edata.items.type | SHARE item types | String |
edata_items_origin_id | edata.items.origin.id | SHARE event source id | String |
edata_items_origin_type | edata.items.origin.type | SHARE event source type | String |
edata_items_to_id | edata.items.to.id | SHARE event destination id | String |
edata_items_to_type | edata.items.to.type | SHARE event destination type | String |
edata_state | edata.state | AUDIT event current state | String |
edata_prevstate | edata.prevstate | AUDIT event previous state | String |
edata_error | edata.err | ERROR event error code | String |
edata_error_type | edata.errtype | ERROR event error type | String |
edata_message | edata.message | LOG event message | String |
edata_level | edata.level | LOG event log level | String |
edata_size | edata.size | SEARCH event result size | Integer |
edata_filters_dialcodes | edata.filters.dialcodes | SEARCH event List of dialcodes | Array[String] |
location_state | ldata.state | State location information for the device | String |
location_state_code | ldata.state_code | State ISO code information for the device | String |
location_city | ldata.city | City location information for the device | String |
location_country_code | ldata.country_code | Country ISO code information for the device | String |
location_country | ldata.country | Country location information for the device | String |
Summary Events
Dimension in Druid | Field in Summary event | Description | Data Type |
eid | eid | Event Id | String |
ver | ver | Version | String |
syncts | syncts | Sync timestamp | Long |
uid | uid | User Id | String |
context_date_range_from | context.date_range.from | Start Date for the summary | String |
context_date_range_to | context.date_range.to | End Date for the summary | String |
context_rollup_l1 | context.rollup.l1 | Context level1 rollup | String |
context_rollup_l2 | context.rollup.l2 | Context level2 rollup | String |
context_rollup_l3 | context.rollup.l3 | Context level3 rollup | String |
context_rollup_l4 | context.rollup.l4 | Context level4 rollup | String |
channel_id | dimensions.channel | Channel Id as dimension from raw telemetry | String |
device_id | dimensions.did | Device Id as dimension from raw telemetry | String |
producer_id | dimensions.pdata.id | Producer Id as dimension from raw telemetry | String |
producer_pid | dimensions.pdata.pid | Producer Process Id as dimension from raw telemetry | String |
session_id | dimensions.sid | Session Id as dimension | String |
session_type | dimension.type | Type of summary | String |
session_mode | dimension.mode | Mode of action in the session | String |
object_id | object.id | Content Id | String |
object_type | object.type | Content Type | String |
object_type | object.type | Content Type | String |
object_version | object.ver | Content version | String |
object_rollup_l1 | object.rollup.l1 | Object level1 rollup | String |
object_rollup_l2 | object.rollup.l2 | Object level2 rollup | String |
object_rollup_l3 | object.rollup.l3 | Object level3 rollup | String |
object_rollup_l4 | object.rollup.l4 | Object level4 rollup | String |
time_spent | edata.eks.time_spent | Time spent in the session excluding idle time | String |
time_difference | edata.eks.time_diff | Total time in a session including idle time | String |
interaction_count | edata.eks.interact_events_count | Total count of interact events in a session | Long |
summary_env | edata.eks.env_summary.env | High level env within the app (content, domain, resources, community) | String |
summary_env_count | edata.eks.env_summary.count | Count of times the environment has been visited | Integer |
summary_env_time_spent | edata.eks.env_summary.time_spent | Time spent per env | Double |
summary_page_id | edata.eks.page_summary.id | Page id | String |
summary_page_type | edata.eks.page_summary.type | Type of page e.g. view/edit | String |
summary_page_visit_count | edata.eks.page_summary.visit_count | Number of times each page was visited | String |
summary_page_time_spent | edata.eks.page_summary.time_spent | Time taken per page | Double |
item_responses_item_id | edata.eks.item_responses.itemId | Question Id passed in the ASSESS event | String |
item_responses_time_spent | edata.eks.item_responses.timeSpent | Time spent in seconds from ASSESS event | String |
item_responses_pass | edata.eks.item_responses.pass | Pass response for a question from ASSESS event | String |
item_responses_score | edata.eks.item_responses.score | Score from ASSESS event | Array[Integer] |
item_responses_max_score | edata.eks.item_responses.maxScore | Max Score from ASSESS event | Array[Integer] |
item_responses_timestamp | edata.eks.item_responses.time_stamp | Timestamp for each response from ASSESS event | String |
tags | tags | Tags attached to a summary event | Array[String] |
- total_interactions
- total_time_spent