Jenkins jobs created to stop / start the Azure infra for the following Envs
ED Dev
non-ED dev ( devbb)
VDN dev (dockdev)
ED Staging
VDN staging (dockstaging)
The stop jobs are scheduled to run at 9 PM from Monday - Friday. Stop AKS job gets triggered first and
Stop VMs job is set as a downstream Job.
The start jobs are scheduled to run at 8 AM from Monday-Friday. Start VMs job gets triggered first and Start AKS job is set as a downstream Job.
Jenkins jobs:
These jobs are created under OpsAdministration folder under respective Envs
ED Staging:
VDN Staging:
ED Dev:
Non ED dev:
VDN Dev:
If needed job timings can be updated in the job configuration. Go to the respective Job → Configure → Build Triggers
Currently the pipeline script is as part of the Job itself ( TODO : move to github repo)
Jobs can also be ran on-demand basis by just triggering Build Now