A) Artifact Pushes
1. The default configuration is to upload the artifacts (zip, jar etc files) to azure blob and docker containers to the configured container registry.
2. Docker container push require a hib account mandatorily. But if you decide to not use azure storage blob to store artifacts, then you can change the configuration in Jenkins jobs to disable to push to azure blob.
3. Go to the Jenkins ArtifactUpload jobs and Deploy jobs and change the order from ArtifactRepo JenkinsJob to JenkinsJob ArtifactRepo
B) Disable auto trigger of push and deploy
1. The default configuration is to trigger the upload job after build and deploy job after upload.
2. If you want to disable to automated upload and deploy, go to the ArtifactUpload and Deploy jobs and clear the contents in “Build after other projects are built”
Note: When the jenkins-jobs-setup.sh script is triggered, it will overwrite these changes. You can run a simple find and replace command to make the configuration changes as per your desire. The find and replace needs to be run on the config.xml files.
Script details
• This script installs jenkins and other packages like maven, ansible, pip etc.
• This script downloads the m2 repo if not exists and install the plugins using butler. The plugin list is mentioned in the plugins.txt file.
• This script takes the envOrder.txt as the input and creates the jobs directory in /var/lib/jenkins. The jobs directory in sunbird-devops/deploy/jenkins is the base for this script which it uses to create the folder structure.