Install or update to the latest cQube version: Ensure you have the most recent version of cQube installed to access all the latest features and functionalities. You can find the step by step guides as below
2. Create event and dimension schema: Design the event and dimension schema for your program. This schema defines the structure and relationships between different data elements, such as event attributes and dimensions.
Event Schema: The event schema defines the structure of the events to be ingested into the system. It includes information such as the event name, its attributes (e.g. event timestamp, user ID, etc.), and data types.
Dimension Schema: The dimension schema defines the dimensions, or attributes, that will be used to group and filter events. It includes information such as the dimension name, its attributes (e.g. dimension value, category, etc.), and data types.
3. Create a Config.json
Config.json provides directive to processing engine on how to process the grammar and data files, where they are stored, etc. it should be placed in /ingest/<state code>/
Only programs mentioned under config.json will be considered for ingestion.
4. Upload the event and dimension grammar spec:
Convert the Event and Dimension Grammar to JSON format as given in the below example
Below would be the JSON object
"program": "school-attendance",
"input": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"school_id": {
"type": "string",
"shouldNotNull": true
"school_name": {
"type": "string",
"shouldNotNull": true
Dimension grammar : Use the /spec/dimension API to upload the dimension grammar
Place the dimension grammar file as <xyz>-dimension.grammar.csv in processing-ms/impl/c-qube/ingest/<state_code>/dimensions/ folder as seen below or as per the config.json settings
Contents of the district-dimension.grammar.csv
Event grammar can be ingested in 2 ways:
Though API Method
Event spec API: spec/event
Through YARN CLI
This would be based on default config.json or else it should be as per config.json
Contents of the district-dimension.grammar.csv
5. Data Ingestion: This process may involve uploading the CSV file or connecting to the database directly. Following links will provide more details on the process.
6. Add event data on a regular frequency: To keep your program up-to-date, continuously add new event data to the platform. Determine an appropriate frequency for updating the data, such as daily, weekly, or monthly. Ensure that the new data is compatible with the existing event and dimension schema.