Create Service principle for aks cluster
Code Block language bash az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/<subscription_id>" --name sunbird_installation_version
Create Maxmind DB Licence key
Open https://www.maxmind.com/en/accounts/current/license-key
Click on
If you don’t have an account, Signup for one on https://www.maxmind.com/en/geolite2/signup?lang=en
Create an ssh public key
Code Block ssh-keygen -C installation_test_key -b 4096 -f /tmp/deployer_key vim /tmp/deployer_key.pub
Login to http://portal.azure.com → select Cloud shell
Code Block git clone https://github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird-devops -b releaese-<version> cd sunbird-devops/deploy vim azure-provision.yaml # Update the mandatory variables. ansible-playbook azure-provision.yaml
Go to the created vnet → Click on connected devices to get all ips
Get all the resource information.
Code Block cat sunbird-devops/deploy/azure-resources.txt
Configuring Jenkins and Private repo
Update the IP address for the modules
Code Block sed -i 's/ vm IP/g' ./{Core,KnowledgePlatform,DataPipeline}/{common.yml,hosts} # DP sed -i 's/ vm IP/g' ./{Core,KnowledgePlatform,DataPipeline}/{common.yml,hosts} # DB sed -i 's/ vm IP/g' ./{Core,KnowledgePlatform,DataPipeline}/{common.yml,hosts} # KP sed -i 's/ vm IP/g' ./{Core,KnowledgePlatform,DataPipeline}/{common.yml,hosts} # YARN sed -i 's/ vm IP/g' ./{Core,KnowledgePlatform,DataPipeline}/{common.yml,hosts} # OTHERS
Update the Variable files (common.yaml, secrets.yaml) in Core,KnowledgePlatform,DataPipeline
Note: Blob, Docker registry secrets will be printed on the console of theazure-provision
ansible task, which ran aboveSetup Jenkins as per the doc http://docs.sunbird.org/3.9.0/developer-docs/server-installation/jenkins-setup/
In the Build and deploy step(http://docs.sunbird.org/3.9.0/developer-docs/server-installation/build-and-deploy/ ), skip all the prerequisites and proceed to Code Builds Section. Maxmind DBS will be present in
Code Block Blob storage -> artifacts -> geoip2_db.{zip, tar.gz} you can give the url of artifact in Jenkins build, if promted
To get all the branches to build, run the
Replay the job and change therelease-x.x.x
and run the job.
It will generate a branches.txt file in the Jenkins workspace, which will contain all branch info.Update the branch info to https://github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird.org-docs/blob/<release-branch>/developer-docs/server-installation/build-and-deploy.md
Trigger the Jenkins jobs
Jenkins job trigger script