Data Model:
Dimension In Druid | Field In Report | Description | Data Type | ||
1 | publishedcontent_byorg | publishedByorganisation | Published By or Course Publisher Name or tenant | String | |
2 | user_org | orgname | User Organisation name | String | |
3 | batch_id | batchIdbatchid | Unique Batch Identifier | String | |
34 | collection_id | collectionIdcourseid | Unique Collection Identifier | String | |
5 | batch_start_date | startdate | Start Date of the Batch | String | |
46 | batch_end_date | enddate | End Date of the Batch | String | |
7 | collection_name | collectionNamecollectionname | Name of Course | String | 5|
8 | batch_name | batchname | Name of the batch | String | |
9 | total_enrolment | totalEnrolmentenrolleduserscount | The number of users are enrolled for the course. | Long | |
610 | total_completion | totalCompletioncompletionuserscount | The number of users have completed the course | Long | |
711 | total_certificates_issued | totalCertificateIssuedcertificateissuedcount | The number of users received the certificate in course | Long | |
812 | content_statusstatus | contentstatus | State of Course. Ex: Live, Draft, etc. | String | |
913 | user_state | state | Name of The State | String | |
1014 | user_district | district | Name of the District | String | 11|
15 | content_channel | channel | Name of the Channel | String | |
16 | keywords | keywords | Keywords/Tags which are assigned to course | List[String] | |
1217 | timestamp | timestamp | TimeStamp of when the report is generated. | Long | |
18 | content_channel | channel | Channel of the collection/course | String | |
19 | has_certificate | hascertified | Whether batch is certified or not | Boolean |