Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents

The container for the OpenRAP 2.0 has been developed on top of ext-framework. The additions on top of ext-framework are:


Code Block
/* Method to get the instance of the download manager */
getInstance = function(String pluginId) : DownloadManager {};

 * Method to queue the download of a file
 * @param file - The file to download
 * @param path - Path to download the file
 * @return downloadId - The download id reference
download = function(String file, String path) : String {};

 * Method to queue the download of a file
 * @param file - The file to download
 * @param path - Path to download the file
 * @return downloadId - The download id reference
download = function(String[] files, String folder) : String {};

 * Method to get the status of the download
 * @param downloadId String
 * @return Download object 
get = function(String downloadId) : DownloadObject {};

 * Method to listpause the download
queue based* on@param thedownloadId statusString
@parampause status= function(String downloadId) : -Promise The{};
of/* the
download -* Submitted,Method Complete,to InProgress,cancel Failed.the Blankdownload
option will* return@param alldownloadId statusString
@return cancel = function(String downloadId) : Promise {};

 * Method to pause all the downloads for the given plugin
 * @param downloadId String
pauseAll = function() : Promise {};

 * Method to cancel all the downloads for the given plugin
 * @param downloadId String
cancelAll = function() : Promise {};

 * Method to list the download queue based on the status
 * @param status String - The status of the download - Submitted, Complete, InProgress, Failed. Blank option will return all status
 * @return Array - Array of download objects
list = function(String status): DownloadObject[] {};

DownloadObject = {
	id: String, // Download id
	status: String, // Submitted, InProgress, Complete, Failed.
	createdOn: Date,
	updatedOn: Date,
  	stats: {
  		totalFiles: Number, // Total files to download
		downloadedFiles: Number, // Total files downloaded so far
  		totalSize: Number, // Total number of bytes to download
  		downloadedSize: Number, // Total number of bytes downloaded so far
  	files: [{ // Status of each file within the given download
  		file: String, // File that is downloaded
  		source: String, // source from where it is downloaded
  		path: String, // Relative path where the file is downloaded to
  		size: Integer, // Total file size in bytes
  		downloaded: Integer // Downloaded until now

// Following are the events fired within the SDK
EventManager.dispatch("sunbirded:download:complete", {
	id: String, // Download Id
	files: [{
		file: String, // File that is downloaded
		source: String, // source from where it is downloaded
		path: String, // Relative path where the file is downloaded to
		size: Integer // file size in bytes


  • Does encryption needs to be part of container or plugin


Database Schema



Code Block
	document: {
		"_id": String, // Plugin Id
		"config": {} // Plugin config
	index: []



Code Block
	document: {
		"_id": String, // Setting id
		"value": Object // Setting value
	index: []



A document database is created for each plugin telemetry storage - <plugin_id>_telemetry

Code Block
	document: {
		"_id": String, // mid of the event
		"event": {} // event
	index: []



Code Block
	document: {
		"_id": String, // packet id
		"pluginId": String, // Plugin id the packet belongs to
		"status": String, // status of the packet. Synced/NotSynced
		"statusMsg": String, // Associated message to the status
		"createdOn": Date, // Date of packet creation
		"updatedOn": Date, // Date when the document is updated
		"size": Number, // Size of the events in the packet
		"events": [] // events
	index: [pluginId, status, updatedOn]



Code Block
	document: {
		"_id": String, // Download Id
		"pluginId": String, // Plugin id the download object belongs to
		status: String, // Submitted, InProgress, Complete, Failed.
		statusMsg: String, // Associated message to the status
		createdOn: Date,
		updatedOn: Date,
  		stats: {
  			totalFiles: Number, // Total files to download
			downloadedFiles: Number, // Total files downloaded so far
  			totalSize: Number, // Total number of bytes to download
  			downloadedSize: Number, // Total number of bytes downloaded so far
  		files: [{ // Status of each file within the given download
  			file: String, // File that is downloaded
  			source: String, // source from where it is downloaded
  			path: String, // Relative path where the file is downloaded to
  			size: Integer, // Total file size in bytes
  			downloaded: Integer // Downloaded until now
	index: [pluginId, status, updatedOn]
