A blue marker will be visible on the progress bar of the player at the timestamp where the question set (if they have added more than one question) is added
User can also drag and move the marker on the progress bar to change the timestamp of the question/question set (if they have added more than one question)
If the user adds two separate question sets at the same time stamps, it will be considered as one question set at the backend
On clicking the question on the right side of the player, a preview of the question will be visible to the user
User can delete a question/entire grouped question set by clicking on the red icon on the right side of the question banner. To delete a specific question in a question set, user will have to click on edit (yellow icon) and then go on to de-select the required question through the dialog box pop-up
User can submit the interactive video for review once they have added all desired questions
When the question set editor opens - the existing filters of Board, Chapter, Grade, Subject etc. should be pre-filled using the video meta-data
When the user clicks on <Add a new question> → the system auto-decides the category (can be any of the existing categories or a new category by the name of Interactive Learning)
Scope for 4.4
Creator Interface
For 4.3, we are targeting to enable the creation interface for interactive videos with the capability to create new questions at the time of the new video upload flow. For 4.4 we propose to enable the capability to add questions from the existing Sunbird question library. This will allow any creator to leverage the power of an open source question content library and turn their passive videos into an interactive lesson.
Detailed Work Flow
On uploading video content on the Sunbird platform, the user will get an option to add questions to the video
On clicking <Add a new question>, the browse question dialog box will pop up from where the user can select a question/multiple questions from the existing questions created
The question will be added at the same timestamp where the user had clicked on the <Add a new question> button. They can edit the timestamp in the bottom left corner of the dialog box
Users can browse through the available questions to add to the video. By default system will show questions relevant to the context of Interactive video (video metadata). Users will also have the option to use multiple filters:
Question Type (MCQ/Subjective)
All Questions / My Questions
Once a user clicks on a question - they will see a preview of the question on the right side of the dialog box
To add a question, users will have to click on the green <Add> icon on the right side of the question list
User can add a single question or multiple questions. If a user chooses to add multiple questions, the questions will clubbed into a question set by the system (and given a default name like custom_qs_1). Number of questions added will displayed in the bottom right, below the question box
The user can deselect/remove a question by clicking on the red <Remove> icon on the right side of the question list
The user will also be given the option to configure the question set (only visible when user adds more than one question)
The user can now choose to <Add Question Set> (which will keep the configuration of the question set as default, more details below), or <Configure Question Set>
If the user chooses to configuretheir question set, a new dialog box will open. The user have the option to:
Arrange the questions on the question set - they can drag and change positions of their questions in the box on the left side of the dialog box. Default arrangement will be the order in which the user added the questions
Show Feedback - Configurable - This will show/not show the scorecard at the end of the question set. Default will be to show feedback
Shuffle Questions - Configurable - This will randomize the arrangement of the questions, and will render the arrangement on the left side box (we can grey it out). Default would be to not shuffle.
Show X out of total questions - Input - this option will only get active if the user select to shuffle the questions (otherwise it will mean the same X questions getting chosen every time to be displayed). Default would be for this to be disabled given default for Shuffle Questions is to not shuffle
User can now either go back to the previous dialog box or click on <Add Question Set>
Once the user clicks <Add Question Set>, the added questions will appear on the right side of the player with the timestamp as a grouped question set. From here, user can edit the question set (if they have added more than one questions) or add more questions (if they have added only one question at that timestamp)
A blue marker will be visible on the progress bar of the player at the timestamp where the question set (if they have added more than one question) is added
User can also drag and move the marker on the progress bar to change the timestamp of the question/question set (if they have added more than one question)
If the user adds two separate question sets at the same time stamps, it will be considered as one question set at the backend
On clicking the question on the right side of the player, a preview of the question will be visible to the user
User can delete a question/entire grouped question set by clicking on the red icon on the right side of the question banner. To delete a specific question in a question set, user will have to click on edit (yellow icon) and then go on to de-select the required question through the dialog box pop-up
User can submit the interactive video for review once they have added all desired questions
Timestamps with questions overlayed will be bookmarked with a green marker
The viewer will have the option to skip and revise a question set
<Skip> - This will allow you to bypass the question and proceed with the video
<Revise> - This will start playing the video from the last bookmarked timestamp. In case the first question is revised, the video will start from the beginning
If the user moves the play cursor beyond the question set marker, the question will be skipped
On submitting the answer, the viewer will have to click on <Proceed> for continuing with the video
Another potential item for 4.4 could be building the Creator Dashboard. This will help close the feedback loop for any creator using interactive videos for their teaching. It might also help us gain insights into the learning gains that can be achieved from an interactive video vs a passive video.
Srl. No. | User Action | Expected Result |
1 | User navigates to their Dashboard | Relevant metrics are available for interactive videos created by them including (but not limited to): engagement with questions, number of video watchers, scores, etc. |
Average Watch Time
Completion Rate
Retention at 1 minute
Questions Answered