Category - Course mapping: one category per batch
Category creation:
Name of the category: <tenant_id>-<course_id>-<batch_id> - will this kind of name be OK?
Option 1: use names instead of identifiers
should we use <tenant_name>-<course_name>-<batch_name>
NCERT - Early Childhood Education - Batch 01
Option 2: hierarchical category structure
Tenant Name > Course Name > Batch Name
This will be a root category
Visible only for users enrolled to the batch
the association between batch and category will be stored on the course object in Sunbird
Batch:b1 - Category:11
Textbook:t1 - Category:22
Whitelisted Tags:
use telemetry to determine KRA
metrics - percentage of posts replied within a day/hour/week, etc and percentage of flags addressed within a day/hour/week, etc
ensuring replies within an SLA
ensuring flags are addressed with an SLA
Closing a category:
Category Types:
Closed (E.g. Course batch)
Unique group per category
Open (E.g. Book content)
Universal access based on registered-users group
Restricted (E.g. one state allowing users from another states to explicitly join their category and interact)
Universal access based on tenant-registered-users group
Use cases:
Courses and any trackable collections
Vidyadaan - Projects & Content Collaboration
Announcements - System level and tenant level
Textbooks - any content/collection