The current platform capability enables creators to create practice questions, add them into courses and enable users to learn and practice. There has been an increasing number of asks from states to enable them to judge competency levels of teachers after completing an unit or all units in the course so that they can reward the teachers who have met the criteria set by the state.
To address these problems, in the next couple of releases, we are proposing changes to the platform to provide an opportunity for the course creators & stakeholders to a) gauze the content quality and b) validate teacher's learning.
At a high level, the objective of this work stream is to integrate assessments as a key TPD course component thereby enabling:
- course creators to design courses which include evaluation of learners’ understanding
- course creators to configure course assessments per their pedagogical needs
- users to consume the course assessments per the defined configurations
- course mentors to view learners’ assessment performance and provide interventions
Creation of course assessments - User Story 1 Overview
As a content creator, I should be able to create and publish question sets within a course which are consumed as self-assessments by users enrolled in courses.
- Should have creation rights
Creation of self-assessments
Step1: Course assessments will be created and published as practice question set:
- Creator to include a instruction slide manually
- Creator to include the summary plugin the last slide
Step2: Tag the practice question sets as content type 'Self Assess'
- Backend script is run to change the content type to 'Self Assess'
Step3: Course creator adds the assessment to course ToC page
- New type called 'Self Assessment' will be displayed when the creator clicks on 'Add Resource'
Editing the published self-assessments
Editing the questions will follow the current process
- Content type ‘Self Assess’ should not be discoverable under resources/library for content consumers
Existing program portal will be customized per the above workflow
JIRA Ticket ID
Jira Legacy server System JIRA columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 2207a759-5bc8-39c5-9cd2-aa9ccc1f65dd key SB-14832
Creation of Self Assessment from Workspace - User Story 2 Overview
JIRA Ticket ID
Jira Legacy server System JIRA columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 2207a759-5bc8-39c5-9cd2-aa9ccc1f65dd key SB-15838
Currently an Assessment is created as a two step process and most of the activities are done in the back end. A content is created with type as "Resource" which is reviewed and published and later the content type is changed to "Self-Assess” and made available to the user. Instead, the whole creation and publishing process should happen from the portal, without back end team's support
As a Content creator, I should be able to create and publish a Course-Assessment, So that it can be used in a Course for consumption
Acceptance criteria
Logged in user has access to create content
Logged in user’s tenant has "Self-Assess" configured
Workflow to enable 'Self Assess' in the workspace
- The option to create 'Self Assess' content type questions is not enabled by default to all tenants.
- This content type has to be enabled on request basis
- This option will be enabled by the implementation team
Main Workflow
Verify that
User is able to see an option in the work space to create "Self - Assess" content
Self Assess creation process is similar to the resource creation process (Refer UI design)
- The Summary plug in automatically gets created. This should be displayed for the user in preview, review mode and also after it gets published. There is no need for the creator to manually add it in the third slide during creation
- The below gets displayed in the preview mode
- Instructions (if it exists)
- Questions
- Summary details
- Score details
- The "Self - Assess" content goes through the existing Save, Review, Preview and Publish workflows - Draft, All my content, Submitted for Review, Published, Up for Review. Note: The existing table/card structure display (as applicable) will be retained for these views with the content type name shown as "Assessment"
- The "Self-Assess" content can be updated and re-published similar to Resources
- The "Self-Assess" content is not available under Library/Resources for content consumers
Exceptional workflow
The older Self Assess content will retain the existing behavior
Flow diagram
UI Design
Edit details page for Assessment is not included in the invision link. Hence calling this out separately
Ability for the Content creator to search & add Self-Assess content during course creation - User Story 3 Overview
JIRA Ticket ID
Jira Legacy | ||||||||
As a Content Creator, I should be able to search for a Course Assessment during course creation, So that the same can be linked/added to a Course
Acceptance criteria
a) Logged in user has access to create content
b) Course Assessments are published
c) User clicks "Add resource"
Main Workflow
Verify that
- The user is able to search a “Self-Assess” content with the Assessment do-id or Assessment title
The user is able to select the “Self-Assess” content and add to a Course
Flow diagram
UI Design
Modify few options to make Assessment creation completely self serviceable - User story 4 Overview
JIRA Ticket ID
Jira Legacy | ||||||||
This is in continuation to SB-15838. In the process of making Assessment creation self serviceable, the below options have to be disabled/modified so that there is no manual activity at all and the state can create the Assessment on their own and link it to course for consumption
As a Content creator, I don't want to see options irrelevant to Assessment, So that the creation process gets easy and quick
Acceptance criteria
Logged in user has access to create content
Logged in user’s tenant has “Assessment" Content type configured
Logged in user has clicked "Question set" icon during Assessment creation
Main workflow
Verify that:
Select Question/s workflow:
Assessment/s alone get displayed for the user to select and add
"Multiple Choice Questions" is the only value displayed for "Question type" option in the advanced filters (The rest are disabled/removed)
Create Question/s workflow:
"Multiple Choice Question" template alone is displayed for the user to select
"Display" and "Shuffle Questions" options are not made available to the user
"Show Immediate Feedback" is disabled
Localization Requirements
UI Element | Description | Language(s)/ Locales Required |
Assessment (under create tab in workspace) | Assessments is mapped to content type 'Self-assess'. Creators who want to include course assessments in their courses will create 'Assessments'. Hence the need to translate this to all supported languages | All languages supported in the platform |
Telemetry Requirements
Event Name | Description | Purpose |
| ||
Click on 'Assessment' | Track how many times and when (during the day) users are clicking on 'Course Assessment' so that we can get insights into: a) the usage of this feature and b) time of usage (is it used in the morning, afternoon or late evening post school hours etc) Track Assessment by their status (draft, live, pending review and rejected) so that we know - a) the elapsed time before creator sends the assessment for review or the time taken to publish a assessment |
Non-Functional Requirements
Performance / Responsiveness Requirements | Load/Volume Requirements | Security / Privacy Requirements |
A course can have, on an avg, 5 assessments with each assessment having approx. 10 questions. |
Impact on other Products/Solutions
Product/Solution Impacted | Impact Description |
Impact on Existing Users/Data
User/Data Impacted | Impact Description |
Key Metrics
Srl. No. | Metric | Purpose of Metric |