1. Adminutil # Deploy Adminutil Container
2. API Manager # deploys API Manger Kong and API manager echo
4. OnboardAPIS # Onboards All API's to sunbird
5. OnboardConsumers (Take the jwt token from Jenkins Output of api-management-test-user and update core_vault_ekstep_api_key, update core_vault_sunbird_api_auth_token if using KP and DP along with core) # Onboards New consumer to sunbird and generates API key specific to Consumer
7. (Provision) Cassandra # Provisions Cassandra and create Keyspaces required for Sunbird Core
8. Cassandra # Does Migration if required
6. (Provision) Keycloak # Provisions Keycloak by installing prerequisites like java and env vars of learner
9. keycloak # Deploys keycloak service to VM
10. Proxy # Deploys Proxy, Handles all routing within the swarm
11. KeycloakRealm # Creates Sunbird Realm, (After Creation of Realm configure keycloak by using Below Steps.)