B) Disable auto trigger of push and deploy
1. The default configuration is to trigger the upload job after build and deploy job after upload.
2. If you want to disable to automated upload and deploy, go to the ArtifactUpload and Deploy jobs and clear the contents in “Build after other projects are built”
C) Log rotation
1. By default the log rotation for build jobs is configured as 1. Which means only the last built artifact is kept in build jobs and others are deleted. You can change this value in the job configuration.
2. The log rotation for all other jobs is by default set to 5. Which means the last 5 successful artifacts are stored.
Note: When the jenkins-jobs-setup.sh script is triggered, it will overwrite these changes. You can run a simple find and replace command to make the configuration changes as per your desire. The find and replace needs to be run on the config.xml files.