Copy of Inquiry Components

External Components

The external components that inQuiry needs to function (libraries or services)

Name of the component

What is the purpose?

Why it is needed?

Knowlg : ePub Player

Responsible for playing Epubs and can pass on the player events to container as detailed here

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Knowlg : PDF Player

Responsible for playing PDFs and can pass on the player events to container as detailed here

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Knowlg : Video Player

Responsible for playing Video contents as detailed here

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Knowlg : Knowlg Services (API)

Responsible for providing services related to,

  • content-service

  • taxonomy-service

  • search-service

  • learning-service

  • data-pipeline

This encapsulates the following service offerings,

  • Asset upload

  • Composite search

  • Framework

  • Channel

  • Form Configuration (Object category definition)

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Knowlg : Graph Engine (aka Ontology Manager)

Graph-engine acts as an interface between databases and service module

This encapsulates all the calls to the underling data stores (Neo4J, Cassandra, Redis, etc)

This is available as library for consumption and code need not be repeated in modules that needs to access the underlying data store.

The Knowledge Platform uses the Graph engine to communicate with Neo4j. The Graph engine expects schema definitions for each object type. It validates the data object with the object definition during various CRUD operations.

Knowlg : Platform Common (platform-telemetry)

This is used by the inQuiry API services to sent the telemetry events

This encapsulates the functionalities capturing the telemetry events.

Sunbird : Client Services

Typescript Library used to create API calls with Sunbird Environment. Includes necessary typescript code to do search, content read, corresponding data models of the platform are available.


In order to facilitate Adopters to connect with Sunbird System. Typescript based library to connect with APIs. It can facilitate the adopters with readily available data models.

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Sunbird : sb-styles

Core Styling of Sunbird Products are present in this repository. CSS implementation for containers, grids.


Consists of Basic Styles which are commonly used across Consumption Clients.

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Sunbird : Telemetry SDK

An open specification for recording and measuring statistical data from real-world use of digital apps & platforms. Details here

The objective of telemetry is to assist in product, application or service development, modification or security. It works as a framework. Telemetry enables automatic collection of data from real-world, real-time use. Details here

Obsrv : Services

Sunbird Obsrv is a combination of various tools which provide the capabilities such as streaming, processing and storage of telemetry data and deriving reporting insights from the data.

Sunbird Obsrv comprises several pluggable tools and microservies that come together to enable observability features on any platform/solution.

Internal Components

The internal components that inQuiry needs to function (that is owned and operated by inQuiry)

Name of the component

What is the purpose?

Tech Stack

Why it is needed?

inQuiry : QuML Editor

Question set editor is a tool offered by inQuiry to help you kickstart your creation of Question Banks



This is used for creating the question banks

inQuiry : QuML Player

Question set player is a player provided by inQuiry to create engaging & inclusive experiences for end users consuming the question sets.


This is used for playing the questions from question banks

inQuiry : Resource Library

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inQuiry : inQuiry Services (API)

Question and Question set service is a micro-service which provides APIs to manage the lifecycle and workflows of creation and consumption of question & question set objects.

Spring Play Framework


It enables the question(s) and question set(s) creation, review and publishing process

inQuiry : QuML Specification

Question Markup Language (​QuML in short) is a specification for storage, rendering and distribution of Questions and Tests


QuML defines a standard format for representation of questions, tests and their results, supporting the exchange of this material between authoring and delivery systems, repositories and other e-learning systems.
