Copy of Multiple Choice Question

This category leverages simple choice and multiple choice interaction. Only simple choice is supported in Sunbird 3.9.

As a creator I should be able to create Multiple Choice Question

  • with at least 2 and maximum 8 options

  • mark any or none of the options as correct

    • Marking an option as correct will set its score as 1. In future we will enable editing of score for each option


User action

System behaviour


Create at least 2 and maximum 8 options

  1. System launched editor with default 2 options

  2. User can create more options as long as total number of options are not more than 8

  1. Available in 3.9

  2. To be done

Delete options

  1. Deleting an option gives a warning as this cannot be undone

  2. Options once deleted cannot be ‘undone’

  3. User can delete options as long as there are at least 2 options

Available in 3.9

Mark an option as correct

  1. Set score (weightage) for that option as 1

  2. System will set default maximum marks for the question as 1, when at least one option is marked as correct

  3. User must mark at least one option correct. This will change in future when we support scoring mode = none

Partial scoring - On / Off

  1. ON - User will get marks for ANY of the correct options selected

  2. OFF - User will get full marks for the question only when ALL correct options are selected

Multiple choice with multiple correct answers

  • Creator can mark more than one answers as correct.

    • On marking an answer as correct, its weightage is set as 1. Which means on selecting this response, the player will get full marks allotted for the question

  • MCQ (or any question) with multiple correct answers will have Partial scoring = true by default. Thus,

    • All responses marked as correct will get equal marks. The total marks of the question will be divided equally amongst all responses

    • Player will get score for whichever option s/he has selected.

    • There is no negative marking.


1MCQ // marks = 1, partial scoring = true 2* Option 1 // score = 1 3* Option 2 // score = 0 4* Option 3 // score = 1 5* Option 4 // score = 0 6 7Player will get 1/2 marks on responding with Option 1 8Player will get 1/2 marks on responding with Option 3 9Player will get 1 marks on responding with Option 1 & 3 10 11MCQ // marks = 1, partial scoring = false 12* Option 1 // score = 1 13* Option 2 // score = 0 14* Option 3 // score = 1 15* Option 4 // score = 0 16Player gets no marks for responding with Option 1 17Player gets no marks for responding with Option 3 18Player will get 1 marks on responding with Option 1 & 3

User flow

  • As a creator, I will create MCQ, enter options, and mark some of the options as correct.

  • When an option is marked as correct, system by default gives it a score of 1. This means that all options carry equal weightage when marked as correct.

    • In future, there will be an option to edit option level score.

  • Partial scoring is turned ON by default. Partial scoring ON means, user will get score for ANY of the responses with a +ve score (correct option) selected.

  • [Question] When there are two possible correct answers, and the user has to be awarded the full marks when one of the selected options are right, how to enable this?

  • Partial scoring can be turned OFF. This means, user will get score only when ALL responses with a +ve score are selected.

  • [Question] What score is awarded when user selects a mix of correct & incorrect - a few correct & a few incorrect options?

    • Along with Partial scoring ON?

    • Along with Partial scoring OFF?

  • [Question] What score is generated when user selects all options - trying to game the system - can we mark it as Invalid attempt? (Assume that all were not correct)

    • Option 1 : The number of options the user is allowed to select will be restricted based on the number of correct answers.

      • For eg: If there are two correct answers for a question, the user will be allowed to select only two option in the MCQ.

    • Option 2 : Assign negative score for every incorrect answer.


  • There is no negative marking. Score is always positive.

    • In future, Score can be any number, system will award whether it is positive or negative.